Installation and Commissioning

Why choose Us?

Why choose Us.Because we are Reliable.

As time goes by has its own team of engineers that are fully equipped to carry out installation work of exterior clocks, clock towers and roof turrets. Each member of the team is fully competent with machine operation.

Why choose Us?

Our Mission.A High Quality Finish

Installation costs may vary depending on access requirements. For more information and pricing of installation works please contact us on the details listed below. The safety of our engineers is paramount when completing any installation.

Why choose Us?

AlternativelyAdvice and installation details

All of our products are designed to be simply installed by any competent engineer or DIY enthusiast. We will assist and provide installation details or telephone advice. Clock setup instructions should be read prior to attempting installation.

How We Do It

We blend tradition and modern techniques, where appropriate, to give the best outcome in both looks and performance.
Outdoor Clock Installation

Send Us Some Photographs

Firstly, send some photographs of where the outdoor clock or clock tower is to be installed.


We Can Assess The Requirements

We can then assess the access requirements, machinery and equipment required for a safe installation



We will find a time suitable for you to come and install your new As Time Goes By product and commission the clocks.

Looking For Some Advice? Contact Us Here